Volunteer Calendars

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to our first full week of school. For the rest of the school year we will be doing centers a little bit differently and I need your help. When you come in, you will have a table to work with and an activity. I'll also need help putting papers and books into backpacks. 

Please sign up on this Google doc for classroom volunteers, I know that sometimes schedules change so I want you to have access of when you volunteer. If you want to volunteer more that once a month that is great, once every few months, when you have time, etc. Please sign up! If you'd like a set schedule (i.e. first Monday each month) sign up for all the days. We can have up to 2 volunteers each day :)

You will also be required to sign in at the front desk and get a name tag. We've been ask to send you back to the office if you haven't checked in. 

Here is the link


Parent Help during Job Time
 Thanks for your willingness to help during Center/job time (I use either phrasing).  We really appreciate your time and help in our classroom!  Please help us reinforce classroom procedures during center time while I am reading with students.  Here are a list of procedures and helpful hints that I expect from my students while they’re working. 

1.     Students should be on task using their inside voices.
2.     Students are responsible for their own messes.  Please do not clean up after them or get materials out for them.  I want them to take responsibility for their own desk area and materials.  If they leave something on the floor, forget to put a pencil away, need to push in their chair, etc., please invite them back to clean up after themselves. 
3.    Ask 3 Before Me”- I use this phrase if kids have a question.  I have them ask 3 friends for the answer before they ask the teacher or adult in the room.
4.      3 or more colors”- All work that is colored must have 3 or more colors.
5.    Ask students to hand sanitize if they are putting hands in their mouths or touching their nose.
6.     Interrupting- Kids touch an adult’s shoulder or elbow to get your attention.  When you are ready to respond, you touch their hand and ask them what they need.
7.     Follow the pocket chart- When students ask what they do next have them look at the blue pocket chart to find their answer.  Please guide them to help solve their own questions and problems!
8.      Gluestick Rules- Put glue around the edges and one “x” in the middle.  Twist the glue down and wait to hear the snap of the lid going on.
9.      Highlighting Letter and Number Formation- please use a highlighter to trace over student’s numbers or letter formation when needed.  Students then erase their pencil marks and trace yours.  I have light colored markers by the sink and some highlighters in my cup at my desk.
10.           When a student asks you how to spell something say, “use your best kindergarten spelling” or say, “sound it out.”  You may help them sound out a word, but please don’t tell them the letters.
11.           When a student carries scissors, have them hold the blade clasped in the palm of their hand.
12.           Assume all seat work goes in their cubby to go home, unless I’ve said otherwise.


  1. I signed up to help on the 2nd and 4th Thursday. I don't see my name on the calendar yet so I just wanted to let you know that I will be there tomorrow. Thanks! Kelly Jones

  2. I signed up for Thursdays as well and don't see my name. I can take the first and third thursdays. Thanks. Camera Meyer

  3. I don't see the PM calendar. I have seen it in the past and just wanted to write on my calendar when I come in next month. Thanks! Tanya Conrad

  4. I put it back on there! I don't know why it disappeared, thanks for letting me know :)


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