Monday, January 7, 2013

Classroom Volunteers

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to our first full week of school. For the rest of the school year we will be doing centers a little bit differently and I need your help. When you come in, you will have a table to work with and an activity. I'll also need help putting papers and books into backpacks. 

Please sign up on this Google doc for classroom volunteers, I know that sometimes schedules change so I want you to have access of when you volunteer. If you want to volunteer more that once a month that is great, once every few months, when you have time, etc. Please sign up! If you'd like a set schedule (i.e. first Monday each month) sign up for all the days. There can be up to 2 volunteers each day. We wont be having any volunteers on Friday, unless we decide to do a project of some kind. We will use this sign up instead of the google calendar.

You will also be required to sign in at the front desk and get a name tag. We've been ask to send you back to the office if you haven't checked in. 

Here is the link,



  1. Yes. AM is around 10:30-11:00 PM is around 2:30-3:00. A few minutes early/late is always fine.


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